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Sailing gloves....what are the differences

Sailing gloves....what are the differences

Sailing gloves are an essential piece of kit for most sailors in both dinghies and keelboats, so it is important to have a comfortable effective pair. So what are the differences?


Short finger gloves can offer more feel around the boat by having your finger tips exposed. This makes a big difference especially when working with small ropes or small shackles. Long finger gloves (Last 3 fingers covered) give more protection, but it comes with the trade off of reducing feel. Some people might use short finger gloves on dinghies and long finger gloves on keelboats.

Most manufacturers make gloves in a form of synthetic leather or Amara and also options in a stickier material such as dura-grip. The synthetic leather are long lasting and provide very good protection with a small increase in grip on the rope. The sticky palm gloves have tons of raw grip, they really grab on to the rope.

Binks Marine primarily stock the Ronstan and Gill brands of gloves in the short and long, and synthetic leather and sticky gloves. If you had a particular brand you prefer such as Musto, Zhik, Burke or Forward WIP, get in touch as we would be more than happy to get them in for you.



Ronstan gloves have been the go to glove for many people over many years. Durable, comfortable and effective they are hard to go past. Offered in short finger or long finger, and synthetic leather the sticky race glove we will be able to find one that works for you.


Ronstan glove range

GSailingill have been doing great gloves for a number of years now, and the new range of re-designed gloves are no exception. The Gill range of gloves are cut with some shape to them, making them super comfortable and results in a bit less bunching in the palm. The velcro closure has been moved to the top of the hand and the glove shortened to give less restriction to your wrist movement. They are available in short or long finger  lengths and in Amara (soft) or a sticky dura-grip palm materials.



Gloves are not only for sailing. We sell many pairs for kayaking, rowing and dragon boat paddling as well as general rope work, general hand protection and even as push bike gloves.


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